fcd (505B)
1 #!/usr/bin/env sh 2 # gives a fuzzy-finding menu to switch to common directories 3 4 # this script has to be sourced to make the cd run outside of a subshell 5 # put this in your bashrc to source automatically 6 # alias fcd=". fcd" 7 8 INDEXFILE=~/.config/fcd/index.txt 9 10 chosen="$( (echo exit; cat "$INDEXFILE") | fzf --layout=reverse --height=40% \ 11 | sed -E "s/^~/\/home\/$(whoami)/")" 12 13 [ -d "$chosen" ] && cd "$chosen" 14 [ -f "$chosen" ] && cd "$(dirname $chosen)" && nvim "$chosen" 15 16 unset INDEXFILE 17 unset chosen