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restore-view.vim (2399B)

      1 "          FILE: restore_view.vim
      2 "      Language: vim script
      3 "    Maintainer: Yichao Zhou (broken.zhou AT gmail dot com)
      4 "       Version: 1.3
      5 "   Description:
      6 "       This is a simple script to autosave cursor position and fold
      7 "       information using vim's mkview.  Although you can easily do this job by
      8 "       just add serveral line to {.,_}vimrc, write a script plugin can make it
      9 "       more clean and nice.  We assume you use a new enough Vim to enjoy
     10 "       these feature. Hope you love it:)
     11 "
     12 "       Views will be saved when you save/write a file or EXIT VIM.
     13 "
     14 " Suggested Setting:
     15 "       Please put them in you vimrc file.
     16 "           set viewoptions=cursor,folds,slash,unix
     17 "
     18 "       Set it in a plugin file looks dirty to me.  So you'd better do it your
     19 "       self.  This only keywords not in viewoptions is "options". I believe it
     20 "       does not belong to a view.  If you think you need it, feel free to
     21 "       put it in.  If you do not want views of some files to be saved, please
     22 "       set g:loaded_restore_view. The longer time you use, the bigger view
     23 "       folder you will have.  So if you use UNIX environment, you may need to
     24 "       use cron to do some clean job.
     25 "
     26 "       Most of code is from wiki.
     29 if exists("g:loaded_restore_view")
     30     finish
     31 endif
     32 let g:loaded_restore_view = 1
     34 if !exists("g:skipview_files")
     35     let g:skipview_files = []
     36 endif
     38 function! MakeViewCheck()
     39     if &l:diff | return 0 | endif
     40     if &buftype != '' | return 0 | endif
     41     if expand('%') =~ '\[.*\]' | return 0 | endif
     42     if empty(glob(expand('%:p'))) | return 0 | endif
     43     if &modifiable == 0 | return 0 | endif
     44     if len($TEMP) && expand('%:p:h') == $TEMP | return 0 | endif
     45     if len($TMP) && expand('%:p:h') == $TMP | return 0 | endif
     47     let file_name = expand('%:p')
     48     for ifiles in g:skipview_files
     49         if file_name =~ ifiles
     50             return 0
     51         endif
     52     endfor
     54     return 1
     55 endfunction
     57 augroup AutoView
     58     autocmd!
     59     " Autosave & Load Views.
     60     autocmd BufWritePre,BufWinLeave ?* if MakeViewCheck() | silent! mkview | endif
     61     " the loadview could change foldmethod. in this case foldmethod is
     62     " correctly reset using filetype rules
     63     " for the lightline part see
     64     autocmd BufWinEnter ?* if MakeViewCheck() | silent! loadview | let &l:filetype = &l:filetype | endif
     65 augroup END