bashrc (2542B)
1 # If not running interactively, don't do anything 2 [[ $- != *i* ]] && return 3 4 # colors in framebuffer 5 # 6 if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then 7 # 8 normal colors 8 echo -en "\e]P0242424", # black 9 echo -en "\e]P1d25252", # red 10 echo -en "\e]P2a4c161", # green 11 echo -en "\e]P3ffc56d", # yellow 12 echo -en "\e]P46c99ba", # blue 13 echo -en "\e]P5d096d9", # magenta 14 echo -en "\e]P6bdd6ff", # cyan 15 echo -en "\e]P7ffffff", # white 16 17 # 8 bright colors 18 echo -en "\e]P8535353", # black 19 echo -en "\e]P9f00c0c", # red 20 echo -en "\e]PAc1df74", # green 21 echo -en "\e]PBe1e48a", # yellow 22 echo -en "\e]PC8ab6d9", # blue 23 echo -en "\e]PDefb5f7", # magenta 24 echo -en "\e]PEdbf4ff", # cyan 25 echo -en "\e]PFffffff", # white 26 clear # for background artifacting 27 fi 28 29 # add colors where possible 30 alias ls='exa -l' 31 alias grep='grep --color=auto' 32 alias diff='diff --color=auto' 33 function man() { 34 LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[01;31m' \ 35 LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' \ 36 LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' \ 37 LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m' \ 38 LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[01;32m' \ 39 command man "$@" 40 } 41 42 # don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history 43 HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth 44 # append to the history file, don't overwrite it 45 shopt -s histappend 46 # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) 47 HISTSIZE=1000 48 HISTFILESIZE=2000 49 50 # shell promt 51 PS1='\[\e[01;92m\]\w \[\e[01;34m\]\$ \[\e[00m\]' 52 53 # Directoy up alias 54 alias ..='cd ..' 55 alias ...='cd ../..' 56 alias ....='cd ../../..' 57 alias .....='cd ../../../..' 58 59 # nvim alias 60 alias v='nvim' 61 62 # shortcut 63 function cheat(){ curl"$1"; } 64 65 # neovim vim tutor 66 alias vimtutor='nvim -c :Tutor' 67 68 # access fugitive 69 # kind of hacky to open vim-fugitive in a new window and than close the old one 70 # but I do not know of a better way 71 alias gg='nvim -c ":G" -c ":wincmd j" -c ":q"' 72 73 # print the source of executables. Useful for shell scripts 74 excat() { 75 cat "$(which "$1")" 76 } 77 78 alias drag='dragon-drag-and-drop --and-exit' 79 function drop() { 80 uri="$(dragon-drag-and-drop --target --and-exit)" 81 if [[ "$uri" == "file://"* ]]; 82 then 83 # filenames are not allowed to be longer than 999999 84 # i don't know how to make a substring expansion till the end 85 uri=${uri:7:999999} 86 sel="$(echo -e "copy\nmove" | dmenu -l 10)" 87 [[ "$sel" == copy ]] && cp "$uri" . 88 [[ "$sel" == move ]] && mv "$uri" . 89 else 90 echo "$uri" 91 fi 92 } 93 94 # enable fcd to change working directory 95 # see scripts/fcd 96 alias fcd=". fcd"